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Monday, April 28, 2014

Meet The Other London Girls starting with Mom


In our first official post I wanted to take a moment to introduce me before getting into my favourite mascara. 

Quick back story- We decided on the name 'The Other London Girls' as my daughter and I are obsessed with makeup blogs and Youtube channels of beauty gurus across the pond. Since we also live in London- just in Canada- we thought it would be a fun tongue in cheek way to pay tribute to some of those who inspire us. Plus we are pretty sure we should be living there and drinking endless cups of tea than here ;)

So first up is mom (me) Andrea

kidding! hahaha
this was me in the 80's when in high school like my girls
I was so hot obviously ;)

Can I just say how proud I am of my 'picture in a picture' shot
doesn't take much to make my day
This is a typical makeup day- minimal
minimal doesn't mean I don't need to own a crapload of makeup to get this look
mama needs to have lots of options!

I spend my days looking at makeup, watching videos on how to apply makeup then shower and don't put on any makeup. Unless I am going out…to buy more makeup. While doing this I am drinking endless cups of tea and texting my bff. Busy day. 

I have to share my favourite mascara during my intro post. First let me explain that I have oily pools under my eyes and as a result have rocked a racoon look for 97% of my life. So one that won't leave a black shadow or flake is what I am endlessly searching for. 

Then this happened

Best day of my life when these walked in my door
No under eye mascara patches
No mascara dandruff

and best of all….
when I am wearing it I get asked if I am wearing false lashes

They're real is on the left
Too Faced Better than Sex on the other
After about 6 hours of wear

Enough said
I need it
You need it
The world is a better place

Cheers, Andrea xo

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Coming Soon!!!

Welcome to our new little corner of the Internet. Join us as we discuss beauty 40 somethings and my teenage daughters!